7 Rheumatoid Arthritis-Friendly Hobbies

RA symptoms like joint pain and stiffness don’t have to keep you from doing the things you love.

black man potted plant gardening

If you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), your joints can become painful, swollen, and stiff, and you can be fatigued — all symptoms that can get in the way of doing the things you enjoy. But you don’t have to let them, says Joan Westreich, LCSW, a social work coordinator for the Early RA Support and Education Program at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. “You may have to become a little more creative,” she says, but you can find ways to enjoy your favorite hobbies or find new ones that bring you joy when you have rheumatoid arthritis.

Here are seven fun and RA-friendly activities, with tips to make them easy on your joints.

1. Visit Art Museums

art museum
Love art? Even though it involves walking, a visit to the museum isn’t out of the question for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Art museums can be a good choice when you have RA because they often have benches where you can sit and admire the works, says Carole Dodge, an occupational therapist with the University of Michigan Medicine who specializes in RA. “You can take periodic breaks to rest when you go from room to room,” she says. Rest is important when you’re fighting RA fatigue.

2. Try Yoga

man meditating yoga

Staying physically active is important if you have rheumatoid arthritis because it can help reduce joint pain and enhance your mood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you need to, you can modify your favorite activities so they’re gentler on your joints, Westreich says. For example, instead of running, try walking. And one great option is yoga. It’s a great physical activity for people with RA because it has a mindfulness component, she says. Yoga also helps with flexibility, balance, and stress, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

3. Do Puzzles, Word Games, or Sudoku

puzzle pieces

“Keeping mentally active is good for everyone,” Westreich says. Brain games and memory exercises can help keep your mind sharp. When your joints are swollen and painful, it can be hard to pick up the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle or hold a pencil to fill out the tiny squares of a crossword puzzle. But there are options: You can download apps that allow you to play games on your smartphone or use your computer to play board and card games. If you play against other people online, you’re also staying engaged, and that’s important for your mental health as well, she says.

4. Read

asian woman reading book with mug

If you love to read but have trouble holding a book when symptoms flare in your hand joints, it’s time to get creative. Buy a book holder or download the audio version and listen on your smartphone, Westreich recommends. You also might want to join a book club, which is a great social activity that can help lift your mood. About 1 in 3 people with chronic arthritis become depressed, according to the Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network. Social activities can help you feel less isolated and improve your mental outlook.

5. Garden

black bald man gardening

Lots of people enjoy gardening, but rheumatoid arthritis can make all the bending and digging difficult. “Heavy-duty gardening can be hard on your hands,” Westreich says. But you don’t have to give up gardening if it’s a hobby you enjoy. You just have to approach it differently. Think raised beds, vertical gardens, container gardening, and ergonomic tools. Also, when you’re working outdoors, be sure to take breaks and pace yourself, advises the Arthritis Foundation. A local gardening shop can also give you advice on which plants don’t require as much maintenance.

6. Dance

women dancing in zumba class

Dancing can be a fun exercise and a great way to get moving if you have rheumatoid arthritis. The cha-cha or Charleston may be too hard on your knee joints, but you could enjoy more gentle moves, such as line or ballroom dancing — or even a Zumba class. What’s more, signing up for a dance class is a good way to stay social. Just be sure to tell your dance instructor about your arthritis so they can make any necessary accommodations.

7. Take Up Bird-Watching

binoculars bird watching

Bird-watching can be a fun and healthy activity for people with RA, says Karen Jacobs, EdD, a clinical professor of occupational therapy at Boston University. Look for binoculars that are lightweight, she suggests. Bird-watching is a good hobby for people with RA because it involves walking, which is a great form of physical activity, and it’s slow and gentle. It also gets you outdoors and breathing fresh air, which can be soothing and relaxing.

Do What You Like

occupational therapy

Work with an occupational therapist, who can help you adapt your favorite activities and hobbies to your physical capabilities. Although RA is a progressive disease and your limitations may increase as time goes on, you can still do the things you love when you’re feeling well, Dodge says. Just remember, “If you’re having a flare or not feeling as well, you may need to rest a little more,” she says.

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